Persistent back pain can be irritating. In severe cases, back pain can become debilitating, affecting overall productivity.
PT Link Physical Therapy takes every step to help you achieve mobility through our LSVT BIG therapy in Monroe, Michigan. We understand that you may have several everyday habits that can lead to back pain. Let us discuss some of these habits.
- Prolonged Sitting
While sitting isn’t inherently bad, doing it for long hours without breaks can threaten your health. You are applying pressure on your back when you sit for long hours, which can lead to back pain. Doing this also leads to neck and shoulder pain.
- Improper Lifting Form
As we provide occupational health services in Toledo, Ohio, we understand that work safety matters, especially when doing manual labor like lifting heavy objects. Your form matters when lifting heavy objects, and poor form can lead to back injuries when lifting objects. For this reason, be sure to lift properly.
- Poor Posture
It can sometimes be difficult to notice posture problems. In many cases, you need effort to correct your posture. Your back can suffer from poor posture. You can incorporate pain management techniques to correct your posture for better results.
- Bed Quality
Providing physical therapy in Maumee, Ohio, has taught us that even a sagging bed can hurt your back. A sagging bed can make it more challenging to maintain proper sleeping posture. Your back can suffer when you continue to sleep in these types of beds.
If you need help improving your mobility, we are here for you. Learn more about our physical therapy services today!
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